Thursday, 19 April 2012

Horror Film Genre Codes And Conventions

Horror films are unsettling films that are designed to, frighten and panic us, cause dread and alarm, invoke our hidden worst fears, captivate and entertain us in a cathartic experience and they often conclude in a terrifying shocking finale. Many themes used in horror films are nightmares, vulnerability, alienation, revulsions, terror of the unknown, fear of death, loss of identity and the big brother idea (where there is someone controlling what you do, think or say). There is always a lead character that often results as the survivor in the film known as the protagonist. The killer/monster often has a trademark characteristic in the way he kills, for example the people he kills or the weapon he uses. The idea of the film is usually a protagonist against an antagonist (good against evil). Originally the outcome is that the good person always survives or deaf eats the bad gay. This isn't always the case now because the twist of the evil winning or not being completely defeated is becoming more and more popular in modern day film.

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