Thursday 22 September 2011

questionnaire for primary research for preliminary task

what genre would you prefer the film to be?
horror [ ]
comedy [ ]
thriller [ ]
action [ ]
rom com [ ]
drama [ ]
other (please specify) __________________________________
what colour effect would you prefer the film to be in?
black and white [ ]
colour [ ]
male or female characters?
all male [ ]
all female [ ]
both [ ]
what age would you prefer the characters to be?
younger than 16 [ ]
16-26 [ ]
27-37 [ ]
38-48 [ ]
49-59 [ ]
60-70 [ ]
70+ [ ]
where would you prefer the film to be set?
school [ ]
office [ ]
cellar [ ]
attic [ ]
woods [ ]
stage [ ]
other (please specify) _______________________________
what editing softwere would you prefer to be used?
imovie [ ]
windows movie movie [ ]
other (please specify) _______________________________
how many main characters should be used?
1 [ ]
2 [ ]
3 [ ]
4 [ ]
5 [ ]
6 [ ]
7+ [ ]
what time period should the film be set in?
50's [ ]
60's [ ]
90's [ ]
2000's [ ]
modern [ ]
futureistic [ ]
other (please specify) ___________________________